Building an Authentic Community of Practice


 #2: Theorizing About Social Justice

Social justice is the relentless pursuit of fairness and equality in our society, ensuring that each individual, regardless of their background or circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive and live with dignity. It’s about recognizing and addressing the unique challenges and barriers that different people face, whether it’s due to race, gender, socioeconomic status, or any other factor. It means standing up against injustice and advocating for meaningful change to create a world where everyone has access to the resources, opportunities, and rights they need to fulfill their potential. Social justice is not just a concept; it’s a deeply held belief in the inherent worth and equality of every human being, and a commitment to building a more inclusive and compassionate community for all. A specific example of someone who shaped my perspective on the topic is Ruby Bridges. Reading about and researching the discrimination of a literal little girl solely based on her race, is extremely gut wrenching especially because personalize with her due to us sharing the same racial background. A social justice topic that I care about is Gun violence because it not only is a public health crisis but it impacts the mental state as well. Seeing everyday via news or word to mouth that someone got shot by the police or another individual, declines the empathy that we as humans should have towards death and one another.