Building an Authentic Community of Practice


 #4: Clash of Value Systems

Some cultural attitudes, behaviors, and expectations that influence people in our society include gender roles and the family dynamic. Growing up in a Jamaican and Ghanian household has shaped my perspectives on majority of things. For example; Both Jamaican and Ghanaian cultures often place a strong emphasis on family and community ties. In Jamaican culture, the concept of “family” extends beyond immediate relatives, and includes extended family members and close friends. Similarly, in Ghanaian culture, the extended family plays a central role in providing support and guidance. Growing up in such environments influenced my decision-making because I prioritize familial obligations and seek approval or guidance from elders when making significant life choices. Growing up in this household has also shaped the way I interact with others. Both Jamaican and Ghanaian cultures place a strong emphasis on respect for elders and authority figures. I was taught from a young age to show deference and courtesy in my interactions with others, particularly those who are older or hold positions of authority. A specific scenario where I realized the impact of social norms was in the school system. I saw via the news that a teenage wrestler by the name of Andrew Johnson, was told by a referee that he could not participate in his tournament unless he cut his dreads. So Andrew literally cut his dreads with scissors before the match. I 100 percent do not agree with this and I feel like it was blatant racism. Because of hair Andrew wasn’t deemed as ” qualified” to wrestle? That makes no sense.

I am still learning on ways to the dominant ideas or practices around hierarchies of race, class, gender, sexuality, and/or ability that are so deeply ingrained. I think one step that I took was applying for this class because I t really brings me to a deeper mental awareness.