Building an Authentic Community of Practice


Blog #9 Course reflection


Now that this course is almost over there are a couple of things I would like to say about it. My learning experience in this class was honestly pretty great we had many discussions on various topics on social justice like "what is love?" for example. The thing that resonated with me the most about this class was the class discussions since I got to hear many opinions on different topics from students in the course. While I did enjoy the discussions I felt like the class would lose focus and dive into a tangent about a certain topic and half the class would be wasted on that until it was over. This course has challenged me since it got me to speak up more in class, I am a very shy person and I do not like to speak up sometimes but ever since it joined this course I was able to speak up and talk about various things in the class and I really appreciate the course for letting me get out of my comfort zone. One thing I would have done differently is getting the class back on track after a long tangent since that waste the time that we have in the class. Either than that I enjoyed my time in the course and I hope everyone else did the same.