Building an Authentic Community of Practice


final blog post #10 :( Addressing Poor Housing Conditions in Marginalized Communities: Protecting Our Children

Jose Jacobo

In many rent-stabilized and public housing units, poor living conditions pose significant risks to the health and safety of residents, particularly children. Common issues such as mold, pests, lead paint, and drug presence create an unsafe environment that can have long-lasting consequences for children’s well-being.
In my building, these conditions are especially concerning for the children who reside here. Mold infestations can exacerbate respiratory issues and allergies, posing a particular risk to young, developing lungs. The presence of pests like rats not only creates physical hazards but also contributes to mental stress and anxiety for children who may fear for their safety. Lead paint exposure, a known neurotoxin, can lead to developmental delays and learning disabilities, impacting children’s academic success and prospects.

Moreover, the unsafe environment due to drug presence and discarded needles near the building puts children at risk of accidental exposure to harmful substances. Additionally, unreliable water supply with frequent lack of hot water makes basic hygiene and bathing routines challenging for families with young children, increasing the risk of illness and discomfort. The safety and well-being of children should be a top priority in any housing community. However, in many marginalized communities like ours, children are disproportionately affected by these poor housing conditions.

Residents, community organizations, and legal advocates need to come together to address these issues and ensure that children have a safe and healthy environment to grow and thrive. Efforts to improve housing conditions, such as legal action, community organizing, and public advocacy, must prioritize the needs of children. By advocating for better housing standards and resources, we can create a safer and more supportive environment for the next generation, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their socioeconomic status or living circumstances

here is the Cite I use:

Rights, juvenile. (2024). About Us. The Legal Aid Society.