Coming into college I thought about how intense and frightening it could be, but i must say I enjoyed having a class discussion where everyone have a voice and can speak so openly without judgement, our class discussion about love was exactly that. I was very surprised how open everyone was and felt comfortable enough to share their thoughts and ideas about this idea “LOVE”.
In “all about love” by bell hooks and in our class discussion i learned so much about love and left even questioning what is real love exactly? Every individual have their own take on love base on personal experiences but one thing we all agreed on was that love is much more than just a butterfly feeling, love can also be hurtful. Sometimes we hold on to pass trauma/hurt and carry it with us as adults which can result in not knowing how to love someone or even receive love from anyone . My take on this whole discussion was to let go of pass hurt so we all can experience that great love we all deserve.